Month: January 2021

  • Piney Orchard Loop (with kids!)

    Piney Orchard Loop (with kids!)

    I really like this set of trails. There are both paved with nice views and scenery, as well as walking trails that wrap around several small lakes and ponds, giving access to quiet spots with plenty of points for nature-watching. To my surprise, both the boys LOVED it! I think it’s time for them to…

  • Ducks


    While supporting my daughter during her virtual learning and simultaneously trying to monitor my OWN Google Meet classroom (my students were in “Encores”/cultural arts/specials/whatever you call them), I log in to find this sitting at my desk… At least they had their cameras on, their eyes were looking, their ears were listening, and they had…

  • Hibachi Night!

    Hibachi Night!

    I’m absolutely loving this GoPro. Most of all, I love the head mount. And since making hibachi-style fried rice (along with marinated steak, chicken, shrimp, and scallops, of course) is becoming more of a staple in this house (not to mention, everyone here seems to like it), it made sense to do a “cooking video”.…